Jebel Ali Free Zone
For the traders who want to sell products in South Asia and Arabian Gulf Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZ) is an economic free zone. International companies do not have to pay import duties or build relations with local companies and use Dubai as a hub for distribution and manufacturing. Jebel Ali is owned by foreign business that usually operates based on offshore processes. If you also want to save yourself from import duties, JAFZ is a place for you. Simply drive to Jebel Ali or rent a car in Dubai and find the opportunities to conquer.
However, if someone operates business outside the Jebel Ali Free Zone they have to go with the local Arab Emirates Company and adjust to their rules. While inside free zone, they are entitled not to follow the rules and are free to trade, manufacture and form joint ventures if they wish. The person needs to register and fill out two-page questionnaire and fax it to the concerned authorities in Dubai. The response takes approximately a week to be processed.
If you are new to Dubai and are not aware of the routes, simply turn to a car rental company in Dubai that will help you to get to the place with ease. The free zone is situated at 35 km southeast of Dubai city. It is formed around the world’s biggest man made port. The area cover 100 square km of 30% has been leased. It has attracted more than 850 companies from around the world including 100 American firms in the hope of uplifting their business. The place is easy to approach.